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Rules of Governance

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Policy / Subject: New Jersey Local Housing & Redevelopment Law

Purpose: To establish Agency policy in compliance with NJ- Local Housing & Redevelopment Law. 

New Jersey Local Housing & Redevelopment Law: The Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency shall operate in accordance and in full compliance of the New Jersey Local Housing & Redevelopment Law,  
N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. 

Policy / Subject: "Robert's Rules of Order"

Purpose: To establish and set forth the Agency’s rules of governance & administrative policy. 

“Robert’s Rules of Order” Administrative Policy: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order- Newly Revised shall govern the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with Bellmawr Agency Administrative Policy, and any Resolutions or special rules of order the Agency may adopt.

Policy / Subject: Open Public Records Act <OPRA>

Purpose: To establish Agency policy in compliance with the Open Public Records Act <OPRA>. 

Open Public Records Act <OPRA>: Records of the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency shall be made available in accordance with the Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.

Policy / Subject: Open Public Meetings Act <OPMA>

Purpose: To establish Agency policy in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act <OPMA>. 

Open Public Meetings Act <OPMA>: Meetings of the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency shall be in accordance and in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act <commonly referred to as the “Sunshine Law”>, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 to 10:4-2


The Open Public Meetings Law, which is commonly referred to as the “Sunshine Law”, was enacted in 1975. It establishes the right of all citizens to have adequate advance notice of all public meetings and the right to attend meetings at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon. 

Policy / Subject: Order of Business

Purpose: To establish and set forth the “Order of Business” for Agency meetings.  

Order of Business: The Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency conducts business at Regular Meetings according to the following Agenda, and the official Agency “Order of Business” is to be adopted at the annual Agency Re- Organization Meeting: 

1. Call the meeting to order and read the Statement of Open Public Meeting Law Compliance (N.J.S.A. 10:4-10)

2. Opening ceremony – salute to the flag.

3. Roll call.

4. Reading of minutes.

5. Communications.

6. Committee reports.

7. Executive Director Report

8. Agency Solicitor Report

9. Old business.

10. New business.

11. Payment of bills.

12. Public portion.

13. Adjournment.

The Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency Chairman of the Board of Commissioners may alter the foregoing order of business for good cause. 

Policy / Subject: Regular Meeting Schedule

Purpose: To establish a fixed schedule for Regular Meetings in accordance with the OPMA   

Regular Meeting Schedule: The Agency will conduct a regular meeting during each month of the calendar year, unless cancelled or rescheduled for good cause.  Any changes to scheduled Regular Meeting dates will be held in conformity with the P.L., 1975, 231 (Open Meeting Law).


The official Agency “Regular Meeting Schedule” is to be adopted at the annual Agency Re- Organization Meeting, and notice of the Resolution is to be forwarded to at least two of the newspapers designated as official newspapers at the annual Re-Organization Meeting.  Additionally, the schedule is to be published to the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency website, as well as forwarded to the Bellmawr Borough Clerk for posting on the Borough website and Borough Hall Bulletin Board.   

Policy / Subject: Official Publications of Record

Purpose: To establish and set forth the “Order of Business” for Agency meetings.    

Official Publications of Record: The Agency is to designate two (2) local, weekly newspapers as the official newspaper and newspapers for Legal & Public Notices for the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency, for the current calendar year in accordance with Chapter 231, P.L. 1975.  The official Agency “Publications of Record” are to be adopted at the annual Agency Re- Organization Meeting. 

Policy / Subject: Designating Bank Depositories & Authorized Signatures

Purpose: To establish & set forth the official banking institutions for Agency business. To authorize individuals to sign banking documents on behalf of the Agency.     

Designating Bank Depositories & Authorized Signatures: The Agency is to designate official depositories for the funds of the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency for the current calendar year, and the official Agency “Designated Bank Depositories” are to be adopted at the annual Agency Re- Organization Meeting.


The banking institutions are to be authorized and directed to honor all documents, including checks and drafts issued against the funds of the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency.  The authorized signatures for all said banking documents are to be the signatures of the Executive Director, and in his/her absence, the Chairman of the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency. 

Policy / Subject: Purchase Orders | Designated Manager

Purpose: To establish procedures for the administration of insurance claims and matters pertaining to the Agency.      

Purchase Orders | Designated Manager: The Agency is to designate & authorize the Executive Director to prepare, code, and sign the requisition/purchase orders for the Bellmawr Redevelopment Agency.  The official Agency “Purchase Orders Designated Manager” is to be adopted at the annual Agency Re- Organization Meeting.

Policy / Subject: Insurance Claims

Purpose: To establish procedures for the administration of insurance claims and matters pertaining to the Agency.       

Insurance Claims: 

a. No employee will discuss matters involving claims against the Agency.

b. All questions pertaining to claims shall be referred to the Agency Designated Risk Manager.

c. Claims for damages presented to the Agency shall be referred to the Agency Executive Director.


d. All Agency employees must notify the Executive Director in the case of incidents involving potential claims within 24 hours of the claim. The employee must report, in writing, to the Agency Designated Risk Manager <Agency Executive Director> within 3 days. Items reported should include any property damage occurring during work for the Agency, no matter how small.

e. The Agency Executive Director is responsible for receiving all damage claims against the Agency, and referring them to the Agency- appointed Risk Management Consultant.

Policy / Subject: Insurance Claims | Designated Risk Manager

Purpose: To establish procedures for the handling of insurance claims against the Agency.        

Insurance Claims | Designated Risk Manager: 

a. No employee will discuss matters involving claims against the Agency.

b. All questions pertaining to claims shall be referred to the Agency Designated Risk Manager <Executive Director>.

c. Claims for damages presented to the Agency shall be referred to the Agency Executive Director for filing.


d. All Agency employees must notify the Executive Director in the case of incidents involving potential claims within 24 hours of the claim. The employee must report, in writing, to the Agency Designated Risk Manager within 3 days. Items reported should include any property damage occurring during work for the Agency, no matter how small.

e. The Agency Executive Director is responsible for receiving all damage claims against the Agency, and referring them to the Agency- appointed Risk Management Consultant.

f. The Designated Risk Manager <Executive Director> shall:

1. Ensure that any applicable provisions of State law are met, and see that all claims for damages accurately locate and describe the defect or act that caused the injury, reasonably describe the injury and state the time when it occurred, contain the item of damages claimed and be verified by the claimant or a relative of the claimant, attorney or agent of the claimant.

2. Refer claim to carrier within 5 working days and provide informational report to the Agency Board of Commissioners on claim status.

3. Recommend action to the Agency Board of Commissioners within thirty days of receipt regarding claims which fall below deductible limits of existing policies or which are not covered under existing policies.

housing and redev law
roberts rules
order of busines
regular meeting sche
official publications
designating bank
purchase orders
insurance claims
insurance drm
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